Monday, November 26, 2007


I was engaged in a conversion about "reality" and perceived "reality" with a friend the other day (a conversation which I hope will continue in the future) and it got me to thinking about current realities, past realities, and how perceived reality can be tweaked, changed, or even become anti or un reality. For is not true (maybe it's not but then again maybe it must be) that for "reality" to truly exist absence of reality must also exist, but then by existing does that not make it simply a different reality all together?

Three Stages of reality:

1. That which is: Life / Death / Earth / Water / Gravity / Sky / Sun / Moon / Space / climate and how we operate within the "rules" of this reality or find different ways to adapt to those "rules". These realities can it seems be changed slowly and for the long term through human ignorance and lack of action mainly but it does not alter the facts of the realities it merely changes the complexion of them.

2. Man made reality, social, political, religious, moral, cultural (sub-cultural) etc. This is the reality that morphs and changes as time, climate can also be included in this for we do slowly effect change through our actions and lack of actions, technology, economics, and social / political climates change and progress or digress. If we look at history as far back as you'd like we can see how "reality" has been changed and altered due to all of these factors.

3. The personal / internal reality. Individual perception of the first two realities. Each one of us must have a different / unique perception based upon our own internal and external experiences coupled with our individual illusions, delusions, and / or psychosis.

So my concern and question is can the second reality be altered or changed within the perception of one or many by a single moment / performance or activity that alters the accepted and expected path or outcome of that particular moment / performance / activity that is being played out within the normal everyday activity of this given and accepted mass reality. I have a few ideas on how to play with expected realities and outcomes to see if I can alter the moment and reality if even for a split second and even if it only effects one or a few.

I could be completely full of BS but hey it's my reality is it not?

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